Harnett Sheehan Families

Genealogy of our Harnett, Sheldon, Sheehan & Devere families

Kathy's Ancestors

Kathy's ancestral line goes back to Isaac Sheldon, one of the first settlers of Northampton, Massachusetts. It also includes such colorful figures as William Fuller Harnett, who built a castle in Newcastle West, Ireland, and Stephen James McCormick, one of the first settlers and pioneers of the Oregon Territory. On her Sheldon line she is related to President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. . Through her Spencer line, she is related to Sir Winston Churchill and Princess Diana. In addition, through her 13th great grandmother, Mary Boleyn (aka The Other Boleyn Girl), she is related to several kings and queens of early Europe. Clicking on Kathy's Ancestors above her photo will bring you to her side of the family.


"As long as there is one person on Earth who remembers you, it isn't over." - Oscar Hammerstein, Carousel

"So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,

So long lives this, and this gives life to thee." - William Shakespeare, Sonnet 18

The aim of the Harnett Sheehan Families website is to gather together research and remembrances relating to the history of our family.

Much of that history started in small villages and towns in Ireland and England. From these villages and towns the family has spread out across the globe so that today there are descendants and extended family on most of the world's continents.

Tracking them all would be a mind-boggling task, but the website is a start. Within these pages are details on over 19,000 individual people, including over 3,400 unique surnames making almost 7,000 families. To see them all or select one to view, click Here.

Alternately, if you know the name of the person you are looking for, enter it in the search bar at the top right of the page. Or, click on the words Advanced Search Advanced Search option below the same search bar.

We hope you enjoy exploring this site as much as we have enjoyed creating it!

David's Ancestors

David's ancestral line includes Sheehans and Hurleys who spread out across the globe populating the world with scientists, teachers and physicians. He is also a direct descendant of the Devere family who founded the well-known newspaper "Western People" in Ireland. Clicking on David's Ancestors above his photo will bring you to his side of the family.


We want to thank all the relatives who have generously shared information, stories, photos and documents. Without their contributions this website would not be possible.


This website is a work in progress. Access is currently restricted to invited and registered family members. If we ever make it public, information on living people will not be visible.


Click on Getting Started available from the Help menu of the header of every page.

Contact Us

We welcome your questions, comments, suggestions and of course corrections! Contact Us to get in touch.

Kathy & David, I want to help. What can I do?

Thanks for asking! Four things, please:

  • Send your own tree - Gedcoms are best but anything will do

  • Submit Family Info using the tab on any individual page

  • Submit Photos/Docs and especially stories

  • Go to Most Wanted and look at the things we might need.

  • Thank you!

    Top 200 Surnames in Our Family Tree

    Almada Almada Almada Almada Ibarra Ambrose Anderson Ardiff Ashe Austin Avery Banks Barnes Barrett Blount Boleyn Breen Brereton Brown Buckley Burke Butler Byrne Cahill Carey Carr Carter Casey Chapman Clark Collins Cotter Creagh Cronin Curley Curtin Daly Davis Dawson de Bohun de Burgh de Clare De Courcy de Mowbray de Vere Deane Devere Devers Dillon Dolan Dore Douglas Duffy Edmunds Edwards Esquer Evans Farrell Ferguson Fielder Filan FitzAlan Fitzgerald Fitzgibbon FitzRandolf Flores Flynn Forde Fowler Fuller Gallagher Geraghty Gill Gillett Graham Greene Griffin Harmon Harnett Hartnett Hayes Healy Hearne Henry Hickson Higgins Holland Horkan Howard Hughes Humphrey Hurley Ibarra Ibarra Pacheco Johnson Jones Keane Keating Kelly Kennedy Kenny Kent Keohane Ketlogetswe Kilgallon Kirrane Knollys Lamb Lane Lavan Leahy Lehane Livingston Loftus Logue Lowry Ludlow Lynch Lyons MacHale Madden Magner Marmion McCarthy McCormick McDonald McDonnell McEnery McNicholas McNulty McSwiney Melvin Milward Moore Morgan Moriarty Morrison Murphy Murray Neville Nolan Norton Noyes O'Brien O'Callaghan O'Connell O'Connor O'Donnell O'Higgins O'Neill O'Reilly O'Shaughnessy O'Sullivan of Castile of England of France of Scotland Ottaway Padilla Pelham Phelps Plantagenet Prendiville Quaid Reilly Rice Robinson Roche Rockefeller Rogers Roosevelt Salazar Sandes Savage Scott Sewell Sheehan Sheehy Sheldon Smith Smoot Spencer Stafford Stebbins Stewart Studdard Sullivan Sutton Thomson Trant Tudor Urrea Urrea Salido Urrea Urrea Vart Walsh Watson West White Williams Wilson Woulfe